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Macular degeneration, a disease that affects the center of the retina called the macula, is the leading cause of blindness in adults over the age of 55. It involves a weakening of the retinal tissues that cause gradual vision loss and may develop as a result of genetics, age, diet, smoking and sun exposure.

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Patients with this condition may experience distorted or blurry vision, a loss of color vision or a dark area in the center of vision. The resulting degeneration can lead to severe central (not peripheral vision) vision loss.


A floater, formally called a posterior vitreous detachment, is often described as a cobweb, a bug or spots moving around a patient’s vision and can be associated with flashes of light. It is due to the gel-like structure within the eye, called the vitreous, becoming more liquid with age, which causes it to suddenly separate from the inside wall of the eye. The concern is that when the vitreous separates it could tear or detach the retina, which could lead to serious vision problems, even blindness. Therefore all patients with floaters or flashes of light should be seen as soon as possible.

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